Boss AC usou o seu canal oficial de YouTube para revelar um vídeo dos ensaios de Matay para o Festival RTP da Canção. Acompanhado pelo compositor Tiago Machado ao piano, o cantor interpreta Perfeito num ensaio que poderá ver no vídeo a seguir partilhado pelo letrista da canção.
Entretanto, Boss AC revelou na descrição do vídeo acima a letra traduzida para Língua Inglesa, que pode consultar também de seguida:
If I could gather
All the beauty in the world and add it up,
Inevitably the result would be you
To have you in my arms
Is all that I need
I’m grateful to my fate
Yes, I’m so thankful
It offered me much more than I deserve
Even if I could I wouldn’t change a thing
Because by your side everything is perfect
If I can dream of all the good in the world
I know I will find you
Because there is no one like you
To have you in my arms
It’s a divine sign
That all that matters is this love
I’m grateful to my fate
Yes, I’m so thankful
I found in you a new begginning
Even if I could I wouldn’t change a thing
Because by your side everything I am perfect
I’m grateful to my fate
Yes, I’m so thankful
It offered me much more than I deserve
Even if I could I wouldn’t change a thing
Because by your side everything is perfect
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